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When should I place my order?

Different florists have different delivery schedules. Some offer same day flower delivery and next day delivery which is great for last minute occasions or needs. When a baby arrives or even when somebody passes away suddenly, it’s always good to send flowers as soon as possible. In this case, you can order flowers as needed. When sending flowers for Christmas, Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, and other annual occasions, ordering in advance is ideal. These occasions are particularly busy for florists around the world. This is all the more reason to get your orders in at least a week or two in advance. If you like, you can shop around even three or four weeks in advance and bookmark the products you like the most. This will help speed up the ordering process.

When will my flower order arrive?

If you specifically order flowers for same day or next day delivery, then this needs to be honoured by the florist. If you are ordering your flowers in advance, then you need to select a delivery date. Your flowers will arrive during the course of the stipulated delivery date. There might not be an exact or even an approximate time given for obvious reasons.

Are my details safe?

When placing any order online, it’s imporant to check two main things. Firstly, make sure that the website has the proper security measures in place to protect your privacy. Secondly, read the terms and conditions of the website to find out how they handle private and personal information. They might pass some of your details (like your email address) on to third parties for marketing purposes but you can usually opt out of this. In no way, shape, or form should your credit card details be shared. If you are given the option to store your details on the site, you are advised not to do so. Saving your details is a risk and, even if you place regular orders, it’s always better to enter your details each time. Create an account, by all means, but don’t save your card details online.

What if the order is wrong or damaged?

If, for whatever reason, the flower order you receive is what you ordered or if it arrives damaged, you are encouraged to contact the florist immediately. Before placing your order, check the terms and conditions regarding their satisfaction policy. Florists should offer some kind of satisfaction guarantee in the form of a full or partial credit, a replacement flower arrangement, or some other form of compensation. If they are not willing to offer something along these lines, you might want to look elsewhere.

Remember, these are just a few of the most commonly asked questions. If you have any more specific questions, you should ask you florist before placing your order. This way, you will have all the answers you need and you can set your mind at ease.

I live outside the UK - can I still place an order?

Yes, you can still place and order for delivery in the UK if you live in another country. Please place your order on the website or call us and we'll be delighted to take your order over the phone.

Do you do flowers for weddings?

Yes, we love doing flowers for weddings! For an overview of our approach to wedding flowers, including photos of our work and reviews from happy couples. And for more detail on our approach to your wedding flowers.

I’m not sure what flowers I want to give - can you help?

We have a team of expert florists who can give you help and advice, to make the whole process quick and easy. Please  pop into our lovely shop to look at our selection of fresh flowers. If there are particular flowers the recipient does or does not like, do mention that to us. Likewise, if they enjoy bright coloured flowers or perhaps more pastel shades, we can take that into account when creating the arrangement.